Refresh and Exfoliate Your Skin with Dermaplaning

Refresh and Exfoliate Your Skin with Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is one of the most recent skin care trends to reach America, and it is trending for a reason.

Dermaplaning is providing its users with amazing results in a safe, cost effective manor and is breaking the stigma surrounding the newest skin care fads.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation treatment which can remove dead skin and peach fuzz from the face. The treatment is carried out by very gently scraping a sterile blade over the skin which helps to reveal a new healthy layer of skin. This treatment is pain free and extremely safe. Many patients actually enjoy the experience of dermaplaning.

Will Dermaplaning cause me to grow facial hair?

There is a common misconception that the shaving of peach fuzz will cause hair to grow back darker, thicker and faster than before, but this is simply not true. The peach fuzz is also known as a vellus hair which, when shaved, will grow back with the same length shape and color at the same rate as before.

What is the difference between Dermaplaning and Shaving?

Dermaplaning may sound similar to the idea of shaving, but the procedures and results are very different. Dermaplaning uses a singular blade that acts to exfoliate the skin which has a deeper effect compared to the multiple blades of a razor which simply shave the hair off the top layer of skin. Unlike shaving, Dermaplaning should not be done at home, and should be carried out by a skilled aesthetician to ensure safe results.

Who does Dermaplaning work for?

Dermaplaning works for all skin types and is a great alternative to shaving for those who have sensitive skin or rosacea.

What are the benefits of Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning will remove dead skin cells and eliminate facial hair that causes dirt and oil build up on the face. This helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, decrease the occurrence of acne, brighten skin, and best of all, there is no downtime, so dermaplaning can be scheduled anytime, regardless of your plans later on.

Defined Contours and Wellness is the perfect place to try Dermaplaning, located conveniently in Roswell, those who live in Atlanta and the North Metro Area  can get a Dermaplaning treatment done during your lunch break or between afternoon errands. For more information, check out our page on Dermaplaning or contact us for any further inquiries you may have.

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