

TrimSculpt uses MMS – high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy that penetrates through the skin to target fat layers and the muscle layer inducing powerful involuntary muscle contractions which builds, strengthens and restores muscle tissue.

The effect is similar to doing thousands of sit-up, curls, squats, etc., in a row, involuntarily without having to take a break due to fatigue and without actually performing the exercise yourself. For example: A single 30 minute abdominal session is similar to doing thousands of sit-ups without the pain!

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404-209-SLIM (7546)


Applicators are placed over the desired muscle group(s) to deliver stimulation signaling to the muscles to contract and relax, simulating the effect of sit-ups for the toning of your abs. The device can be placed on two muscle groups simultaneously. There is even an applicator that can be used to strengthen the pelvic floor which reduces urinary incontinence and assists with postpartum recovery and promotes prostrate health for men.

The device is programmable for frequency and intensity. 5 treatments or more are recommended spaced 2-3 treatments per week.

The sit-up effect of contracting/relaxing can be duplicated by placing applicators on other areas of the body including, buttocks, arms, calves and thighs.

The body’s response to these contractions is to strengthen its muscle fibers, resulting in improved muscle gain and some fat loss

After treatments, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves, biceps and triceps are firmer and may have a more defined and toned appearance.