Men are looking for an edge to compete in the workplace as they age.. Many men are turning to Coolsculpting and/or VanquishME to restore their youthful appearance by eliminating stubborn fat under their chin, stomach and love handles. Coolsculpting and VanquishME are non-invasive, safe, FDA approved device that permanently destroys 25% of the subcutaneous fat in the treated area.

Besides fitting into suites (should be spelled “suits”) better or eliminating a double or voluminous chin, men are further addressing their face and hair. In fact, facial rejuvenation is an area with many treatment options. Defined Contours offer popular men’s facial treatments including Procell microchannelling, microdermabrasion and peels that restore, repair and even out sun damaged and dark spots while smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles due to age. The use of Microchanneling with specialized hair regrowth serum applied to the scalp is proven to stop hair loss and regrow hair.